among ancient civilisations, science and spirituality were regarded as integral parts of an indivisible whole; nature was woven into every aspect of life. the ancients understood energy, and observed inherently the universal patterns that manifest in all that is. indeed, the foundations of constitutional theory, astrology, and botanical medicine were all developed by individuals observing patterns in nature. remarkably, throughout scattered cultures separated by vast distances, the patterns observed were the same. 

today, society is permeated with the most dangerous form of ignorance : modernity. traditional philosophies of medicine were concerned with maintaining equilibrium, preventing disease, and importantly, evolution. prior to the commercialisation of medical treatment for profit, medicine addressed the aetiology of imbalance, rather than merely the symptom, as does the model of allopathic medicine. allopathy employs a reactive approach with no regard for prevention. modern medicine does offer marvels, including diagnostics, imaging, surgery, and various other technologies. however, it is an inadequate system of antiquated, indoctrinated paradigms, significant lack of knowledge, and tremendous hubris. furthermore, there is no compassion, and no spiritual component. but compassion is medicine, and science and spirituality cannot be separated. indeed, numerous studies demonstrate compassion to be an essential aspect of healing that contributes significantly to the resolution of any illness, and one need not search far for scientific verification of the validity of metaphysics. 

modern society has distanced itself from nature. and the further the distance, the more ill it becomes. when one fails to reverence the intimate connection to nature, one fails to reverence intimate aspects of the self. recognising the unity of science and spirituality permits truly holistic healing. EVOLUTIONARY WELLNESS endeavours to facilitate the development of an understanding of energy, recognition of the interconnection of all that is, and the return to nature.

experientia natura sophia

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