ava is a holistic healthcare practitioner, certified herbalist, and astrologer who employs a uniquely integrative approach to facilitate healing and the evolution of consciousness. she is a quicksilver scientific certified practitioner, and has advanced training in nutrition and detoxification.
she innately understands the importance of constitution in medicine, integrating eastern philosophies and concepts of आयुर्वेद ( āyurveda ) with biochemistry and biophysics. ava employs a highly individualised approach to protocols, and interprets clinical biochemical parameters from a health model of medicine. recognising toxicity as a primary impetus of disease, she is accomplished in correcting gastrointestinal and hormonal dysfunction, autoimmune disorders, and other chronic illness. with years of personal and clinical experience, she is excited to see botanical medicine return to being more widely acknowledged as the highly sophisticated form of healing that it is. her clients include both humans and companion animals.
she recognises that the primary role of any healthcare provider is teacher, and endeavours not only to guide but to educate clients so they are empowered to help themselves, and in turn may guide and educate others. she is particularly fond of companion animals, and is dedicated to informing guardians about adequate care. in addition to her practice, ava is passionate about education, and continues to devote hundreds of hours annually to independent study and research.
it is possible for anyone, no matter the circumstance in the current incarnation, to access the gift of psychic perception. all that is required is that one depart from ego sufficiently to allow the soul to attune to the universal source of knowledge. though this may seem dubious to some, the power of nature is not limited by one’s understanding of thus. indeed, all possess powers far greater than average awareness would permit belief. but it is persona that expressly inhibits these abilities that are dependent upon one’s willingness to pay the price of detachment.
there is a significant difference between psychism and intuition, however. whilst it is possible for anyone to develop psychic abilities, it requires a powerful instinct, a keen intellect, and an empathic heart to become intuitive. when these three modes of perception are utilised in a cohesive manner, the connection to spirit is profound.
subjects of advanced training and research
• आयुर्वेद ( āyurveda )
• biocode
• biologische medizin ( german biological medicine )
• borreliosis and coinfections
• detoxification
• medical astrology
• orthomolecular medicine
• veterinary nutrition and first aid / first response
naturopathic assessments
• bioenergetic response
• iridology
• metal toxicity
• tongue and pulse analysis
* quicksilver scientific preferred provider