astrological consultation



until recent history, astrology was not practised solely by mystics. astrology was a matter of intellectual discourse — a stark contrast to the spurious version with which many may be familiar today. astrology and astronomy were considered inextricable and were part of curriculum for all scientific disciplines, including medicine. those who practised astrology in ancient ελλάς ( ellás – greece ) were referred to as μαθηματικός ( mathēmatikósbecause of expertise in complex calculations, and were consulted for everything from calculating propitious timing for defence strategies and surgical procedures to botanical classification and pharmacology. 

society began to renounce astrology with the rise of the catholic church. whilst some cultures still embrace the subject, it is more commonly sanctioned, or rejected entirely, by world religions. however, the numerous references to astrology throughout religious texts are irrefutable — knowledge with which the vātīcānus ( vatican ) is well acquainted. over centuries, its legitimacy was discredited, and eventually forgotten. but the influence of the celestial bodies upon all of nature is undeniable. many physicians and scientists practise astrology covertly today, as to avoid being ostracised by indoctrinated medical and scientific communities. anyone dismissive of the subject could never have bothered to research. but the science of astrology remains available to those inclined to be inquisitive. anyone who studies the subject seriously can only be certain of its validity and reliability and impressed by its complexity and sophistication. 

it is said that a wise one rules the stars, but a fool is ruled by them; an aphorism reflective of the ability of celestial forces, not to compel, but to impel. there is a vast range of both practical and esoteric applications of astrology, offering an indispensable device for understanding the self holistically.


please contact to schedule. private tutoring available upon request. 


• nativity

• election and inception

• evolution

• horary 

• medicine

• synastry

without knowledge of astronomy, one can be no astrologer. without knowledge of astrology, one can be no philosopher. without knowledge of both astrology and philosophy, one can be no physician. 

                                                                   – joseph blagrave